Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time


You must know that when you 'hail' Mary,
she immediately greets you!

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Welcome to the Athboy Parish Website

We hope that you find this website informative and useful but also enriching spiritually through our prayer space.
Our parish is dedicated to St. James from the earliest times. St. James, a fisherman, was one of the first apostles, is the patron saint of pilgrims. He is represented in a magnificent stained glass window in St. James’ Church, Athboy with his staff, water jug, and satchel. His symbol a cockle shell is pinned to his cloak. In his hands is a representation of our church as he raises it up to God.

We are all on many different roads and paths to the Lord. We pray through the intercession of St James.

Mass Times

Weekday Masses

Weekday Masses for week beg 14th Oct Saturday 19th Oct 10am

Adoration of the Eucharist: every Thursday in Rathcairn Church, 7-9pm,
every Friday in Athboy Church, after 9.30am Mass.
New adorers always welcome.

St. James' Church, Athboy

Saturday Vigil 6:15pm
Sunday 11.30am
Confessions (Saturday) 5.45pm
Baptisms (Sunday) After the 11.30am Mass.
Baptismal meeting once a month.

Church of St. Lawrence, Rathmore

Sunday 9:00am
(or at 2pm if a funeral Mass)

St. Patrick's Church, Rathcairn

Sunday 10:15am
(or at 2pm if a funeral Mass)

Upcoming Events

Weekly Notices

Relic of St Bernadette

 will visit Mullingar Cathedral between 2pm on Monday 21st October until 9pm on Tuesday 22nd October. All welcome

Monday 21st October, Solemn Vespers and Candlelight Procession at 7pm.

Tuesday 22nd October, Mass and Anointing of the Sick at 2pm.

World Mission Sunday

is the Holy Father’s annual appeal for spiritual and financial support so that the life-giving work of overseas mission and missionaries can continue. It takes place next Sunday, 20th October.

World Mission Sunday:

  • Provides Church centred infrastructure by helping communities build schools, clinics, parish halls, and churches
  • Prepares the future leaders and carers of…

Parish Finance

A new financial year in the parish begins this weekend.  The Parish Finance Committee recently met and approved the Financial Statement for 2023, copies of the statement are available at Mass to take home this weekend.

Thank you to all the volunteers who distributed letters, new envelopes and a List of the Dead envelope to…

Holy Communion for the First Time 2025

This weekend we welcome the children from Second Class in our schools who are preparing to receive Holy Communion for the First Time.  We support them and their families in prayer as they bring their Do This in Memory candles to a number of weekend…

Confirmation 2025

Candidates from our parish schools enrol this weekend to be confirmed by Bishop Deenihan, on 28th February 2025.

We support them in prayer this weekend as they begin preparing to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.


Prayers to the Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit, I want to do what is right.  Help me.


See All Notices