Easter and Holy Week

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Holy Week is the most revered week in the year for Christians as we recall the moments of Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection.  During the week we follow in the footsteps of Jesus.  We are led through the moments of Jesus’ entry to Jerusalem, his betrayal by Judas, the Last Supper, his arrest in Gethsemane, his trial and crucifixion, his death on the Cross, his resurrection at Easter.

Please join us as we recall and celebrate these important days of our Christian faith.

On Palm Sunday Jesus entered Jerusalem to accomplish his paschal mystery. Palms will be blessed at Mass and available in the church after Masses this weekend.

Saturday Vigil Mass at 6.15pm

Sunday Rathmore 9am,  Rathcairn 10.15am

& Athboy 11.30am 

On Holy Thursday Jesus celebrated the Last Supper with his apostles.  He washed the feet of his friends, he changed bread and wine into his Body and Blood and said “Do this in memory of me.”

The Mass of the Lord’s Supper reminds us that, though many, we are all part of one Body in Church.

Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper in Athboy Church at 7.30pm

Night Prayer at the Altar of Repose at 9.30pm

On Good Friday Jesus died on the Cross.  We remember how Jesus carried the Cross as a sign of his love for us.

Good Friday is a day of fast and abstinence.

Stations of the Cross in Athboy Church at 3pm

Celebration of the Lord’s Passion in Athboy Church at 7.30pm   

On Holy Saturday we wait in darkness to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.  From the Paschal Fire the new Paschal Candle is blessed and lit, the Exultet is sung, we listen to the word of God, Easter water is blessed and we renew our Baptismal Promises.

Easter Vigil & Mass in Athboy 7.30pm 

On Easter Sunday morning we celebrate Jesus is Risen!  Alleluia!

Easter morning Mass times:

Rathmore 9am,  

Rathcairn Aifreann Gaeilge 10.15am

Athboy 11.30am