Vocations Sunday

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Today, Sunday 30th April  is World Day of Prayer for Vocations to Priesthood & Religious Life.  The offertory collection this weekend will help support our diocesan students.  Currently three men are studying to serve as priests in our diocese and a number of others have indicated that they are considering entering the seminary, please keep them in your prayers.  For Vocations information in the Diocese of Meath, contact Fr Tony Gonoude  044 9373923

“This year I would ask you, in your reflection and prayer, to take as your guide the theme “Vocation: Grace and Mission”. This Day is a precious opportunity for recalling with wonder that the Lord’s call is grace, complete gift, and at the same time a commitment to bring the Gospel to others. We are called to a faith that bears witness, one that closely connects the life of grace, as experienced in the sacraments and ecclesial communion, to our apostolate in the world. Led by the Spirit, Christians are challenged to respond to existential peripheries and human dramas, ever conscious that the mission is God’s work; it is not carried out by us alone, but always in ecclesial communion, together with our brothers and sisters, and under the guidance of the Church’s pastors. For this has always been God’s dream: that we should live with him in a communion of love.”  Pope Francis