Jubilee Year Jubilee Year
St Patrick's Day St Patrick's Day
Second Sunday of Lent Second Sunday of Lent
Second Sunday of Lent Second Sunday of Lent
Second Sunday of Lent Second Sunday of Lent
Lent Lent


God's wisdom to guide me
God's eye to look before me

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Welcome to the Athboy Parish Website

We hope that you find this website informative and useful but also enriching spiritually through our prayer space.
Our parish is dedicated to St. James from the earliest times. St. James, a fisherman, was one of the first apostles, is the patron saint of pilgrims. He is represented in a magnificent stained glass window in St. James’ Church, Athboy with his staff, water jug, and satchel. His symbol a cockle shell is pinned to his cloak. In his hands is a representation of our church as he raises it up to God.

We are all on many different roads and paths to the Lord. We pray through the intercession of St James.

Mass Times

Weekday Masses

Weekday Masses beg March 16th Sunday & Monday: 9am Rathmore
10.15am Rathcairn & 11.30am Athboy
Tuesday 7.30pm
Wed, Thursday & Friday 9.30am
Saturday 10am Vigil 6.15pm

Confessions: Saturday 5.45pm
Adoration of the Eucharist: every Thursday in Rathcairn Church, 7-9pm,
every Friday in Athboy Church, after 9.30am Mass.
New adorers always welcome.

St. James' Church, Athboy

Saturday Vigil 6:15pm
Sunday 11.30am
Confessions (Saturday) 5.45pm
Baptisms (Sunday) After the 11.30am Mass.
Baptismal meeting once a month.

Church of St. Lawrence, Rathmore

Sunday 9:00am
(or at 2pm if a funeral Mass)

St. Patrick's Church, Rathcairn

Sunday 10:15am
(or at 2pm if a funeral Mass)

Upcoming Events

Weekly Notices

Feast of St Joseph

Wednesday 19th March, 9.30am Mass celebrated at St Joseph’s altar in Athboy Church.


Novena Prayer to St Joseph: 11 – 19th March

Ever glorious St Joseph, good…

Feast of St Patrick

Our national patron, Monday 17th March.   

Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me,

Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ…


For Christians, Lent is the time of preparation for Easter and it commemorates Jesus’ forty days of fasting in the desert before He began His public ministry.  During Lent –…

Trocaire Boxes

are available in the churches, please take one home.                   …

First Penance

This week the children in 2nd class will celebrate the Sacrament of Penance for the first time.

Rathmore NS on Tuesday at 2pm in Rathmore Church

Scoil Ui Gramhnaigh on Wednesday at 2pm in Rathcairn

O’Growney NS on Wednesday at 7pm in Athboy Church

See All Notices