Super Christmas Bingo and Raffle

in aid of Athboy Church funds, on Sunday 18th December at 3pm in the Darnley Hotel.  25 Prizes & lots of Spot Prizes, every Panel €100.


in aid of our parish funds Sunday 22nd January at 3pm in Darnley Lodge Hotel.


in aid of our parish funds takes place on Sunday 19th February at 3pm in Darnley Lodge Hotel.  Thanks to all who play and support us.  


in aid of our parish funds, Sunday next 5th March at 3pm in Darnley Lodge Hotel.  Thanks to all who play and support us.

Easter Bingo & Raffle

in aid of parish funds, Sunday 26th March at 3pm in the Darnley Lodge.  


in aid of parish fund on Sunday 30th April at 3pm in the Darnley Hotel.


in aid of parish fund on Sunday 28th May at 3pm in the Darnley Hotel.

Cemetery Devotions – Athboy

-Cemetery Devotions take place in Athboy on Sunday 25th June at 3pm, and  in Old St. James' cemetery at 2pm


in aid of parish funds, Sunday 9th  July at 3pm in the Darnley Hotel.