
in aid of parish funds on Sunday 21st January at 3pm in the Darnley Hotel.

Ceremony of Light

for the Confirmation candidates and their parents on Wednesday 31st January at 7.30pm in Athboy Church.

Pioneer Meeting

Pioneer Total Abstinence Association meeting in the Darnley Hotel at 3pm on Sunday 11th February. 2024 marks the centenary of the founding of the Pioneer Association, all Pioneers are welcome.


in aid of parish funds Sunday 18th February at 3pm in the Darnley Hotel.

Easter Bingo and Raffle

Sunday 24th March at 3pm in St James’ Hall ( please note venue change)  in aid of Parish Funds.  Every Panel €100!  


Bingo: in aid of parish funds Sunday 21st April at 3pm in St James’ Hall.