Parish Bingo

Sunday 15thOctober at 3pm in the Darnley Hotel.

Bereavement Mass

in Remembrance of the Dead and for the comfort of the Bereaved, in Athboy Church on Friday 3rd November at 7.30pm. All welcome.  


in aid of Parish funds at 3pm on next Sunday 5th November at 3pm in Darnley Arms Hotel.


in aid of Parish funds Sunday 26th November at 3pm in Darnley Arms Hotel.  

Christian Unity Week

Canon Paul Bogle and the congregation of St James Church of Ireland in Athboy, invite us to join them on Friday 19th January at 7.30pm, to pray together for the […]


in aid of parish funds on Sunday 21st January at 3pm in the Darnley Hotel.

Ceremony of Light

for the Confirmation candidates and their parents on Wednesday 31st January at 7.30pm in Athboy Church.