4 events found.
Santa Sunday
Darnley Lodge Hotel - Sunday 3rd December 2pm-4.30pm. Parcels €5.
St. James Church Choir – Christmas Dinner
St. James Church Choir and friends are hosting a Christmas Dinner in the Darnley Lodge Hotel on Sat 9th December at 8pm. 4-course meal - €25. Bookings to Dave 089 471 5655.
Our Parish Christmas Carol Service
Takes place on Saturday Dec 16th at 7.30pm in St. James’ Church, Athboy. All the church choirs and schools choirs will participate in this ceremony of music and scripture.
Christmas Bingo in aid of the Church
Christmas Bingo in aid of Church funds takes place on Sunday December 17th at 3pm in the Darnley Hotel. Raffle tickets are now on sale.