Christmas Bingo and Raffle

Christmas Bingo in aid of Church funds takes place on Sunday December 15th at 3pm in the Darnley Lodge Hotel. An enjoyable afternoon with lots of great prizes to be won. A sincere word of thanks to the volunteers who organise bingo throughout the year and thank you to all who support us. Special thanks […]


Bingo in aid of Church funds takes place on Sunday 12th January 2020 in the Darnley Lodge at 3pm. All welcome

Prayer Service for Week of Christian Unity

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity takes place every year between 18 - 25th January. This year the theme is “they showed us unusual kindness” Acts 28:2. Through unusual kindness towards one another, Christians are drawn closer together, heeding the prayer of Jesus, “that they all may be one.” This year a Service of Prayer […]

Communion Calls

As Confirmation will be celebrated on 7th Feb, Fr Padraig will visit the sick on Friday 31st January.

February Baptism Meeting

A meeting for parents wish to have their babies baptised in February takes place on Tuesday 4th February at 7.30pm in the Parochial House. To book please phone 046 9432184.

March Baptism Meeting

A meeting for parents who wish to have their babies baptised in March will take place on Tuesday March 3rd at 8pm in the sacristy of St James' Church, Athboy. Parents are invited to attend the 7.30pm Mass beforehand.