10 events found.
Golf Classic
in aid of our Cemetery Appeal will be held on Saturday June 16th at Rathcore Golf Club.
in aid of church funds takes place on Sunday July 1st at 3pm in the Darnley Lodge Hotel. All welcome
Baptism Meeting for Parents
Parents who wish to baptise their children during the months of July and August are invited to attend the baptismal meeting on Monday July 2nd in the Parochial House at […]
Communion Calls in July
Communion calls to the sick and housebound in our parish will take place on Friday July 6th at the usual times.
Bingo in aid of Church funds takes place on Sunday July 29th at 3pm in the Darnley Hotel. All welcome.
Communion Calls
Communion Calls to the sick and housebound on Friday 3rd August at the usual times.