35 events found.
Calendar of Events
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January Baptism Meeting
January Baptism Meeting
The January Baptism Meeting for parents who wish to have their babies baptised takes place on Tuesday January 8th the the sacristy of St. James' Church following the 7.30pm evening Mass. For more details and to book a place please ring the Parochial House 046 9432184.
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Prayer Service for Christian Unity Week
Prayer Service for Christian Unity Week
OCTAVE OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY: takes place each year 18th – 25th January. We pray for unity among all Christian Churches in the world and we remember in prayer those who suffer for following Christ. A Prayer Service for Christian Unity takes place on Thursday 24th January in the Community School at 8pm.
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Communion Calls
Communion Calls
Fr Padraig will visit the sick and housebound on Friday February 1st at the usual times.