
Easter & Holy Week Ceremonies

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Holy Week is the most revered week in the year for Christians.  During the week we follow in the footsteps of Jesus.  We are led through the moments of Jesus’ entry to Jerusalem, his betrayal by Judas, the Last Supper, his arrest in Gethsemane, his trial and crucifixion,…

Collection for Ukraine

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Thank You for your generous response to our appeal for help for victims of the war in Ukraine, €6,800 has been donated.

“I would like to thank you for the noble gesture of charity and generosity that you have made in the name of faith, that of supporting the Ukrainian refugees fleeing the war,…

Novena of Prayer for Peace in Ukraine.

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Feast of St Joseph, 19th March.  Novena of Prayer for Peace in Ukraine.

The prayer (below) will be said each day and everyone is invited to participate at home or at Mass. 10am Mass on 19th will be celebrated at the altar dedicated to St Joseph in Athboy Church.

Novena of Prayer to St Joseph:…

Feast of St. Patrick

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our national patron saint was first brought to Ireland as a slave.  He tended herds on Slemish mountain before escaping back home.  During his captivity Patrick prayed many times each day, after his escape he realised he was being called back to Ireland to convert the Irish people.  When his studies were complete, Patrick returned…


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You are invited to a meeting in Athboy Church on 15th March after 7.30pm Mass. The purpose of the meeting is to hear your views on the following:

What is your experience of belonging to the Church?

How can our Church be a welcoming and inclusive community?

How can new opportunities be found to enable…


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begins on Ash Wednesday this week.  It is a forty-day liturgical season of fasting, prayer and alms-giving in preparation for Easter.  We recall the forty days and nights Jesus spent in the wilderness after his baptism, praying and fasting, before he started to preach, teach and heal.  We are invited during these spring days to…

Sacrament of Confirmation

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Bishop Deenihan will administer Confirmation to 80 girls & boys from the three schools of our parish on  Friday February 11th  at 3pm in Athboy Church.

Attendance at the ceremony is restricted to parents and sponsor of the candidates being confirmed.

On Wednesday 9th February  at 7.30pm, a Ceremony of Light and short meeting will…

Holy Communion for the First Time

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for children in the schools of our parish will be celebrated as follows:

Rathmore N.S., 9am Sunday 8th May, Rathmore Church

O’Growney N.S., Athboy, 10am Saturday 14th May, Athboy Church

Scoil Uí Ghramhnaigh, 10.15am Sunday 15th May, Rathcairn Church

These dates and arrangements are subject to change if there is any change in public health…

Christmas Mass Arrangements

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Christmas Eve, Friday – 5pm, 7pm & 9pm Athboy

Christmas Day, Saturday – 9am Rathmore,

10.15am Rathcairn & 11.30am Athboy

St Stephen’s Day, Sunday – 9am Rathmore,

10.15am Rathcairn & 11.30am Athboy

Confessions for Christmas

Saturday 18th December, 5pm – 6pm & after Vigil Mass

Sunday 19th December, after 11.30am Mass

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

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Wednesday 8thDecember, 

We celebrate Mary who, from the first instant of her existence in the womb of her mother Anne, was “by a singular grace and privilege of almighty God, and in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, Saviour of the human race, preserved free from all stain of original sin.”

Mass times:…