
CoVid-19 and Suspension of Masses

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The suspension of all public Masses in our diocese because of COVID-19 Coronavirus, will continue for the foreseeable future.  In the current emergency situation, all are dispensed from the obligation to physically attend Sunday Mass.

Our church remains open for people to pray privately in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament.  When visiting the church,…

Ash Wednesday

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Lent: begins on Ash Wednesday this week. The goal of Lent is the worthy celebration of the paschal mystery, the suffering death and resurrection of Jesus.

The ashes we place on our forehead are a sign of penance and intention to repent of our sins. These ashes come from the burning of palm branches used…

Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord

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Monday 6th January, a Holyday of obligation.
Jesus is revealed to the world as its new-born Saviour.
We celebrate the adoration of Jesus by the wise men from the East, as they present their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
“To offer gold is to proclaim Christ’s kingship, to offer incense…

Christmas 2019

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Welcome home to all who have travelled to be with their loved ones during this holy season, we hope you enjoy your time with family and friends in Athboy, Rathmore & Rathcairn and wish you a Peaceful and Blessed Christmas.

A special welcome to people spending their first Christmas in the parish, we hope…

Masses for Christmas Day

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We look forward to welcoming Jesus on Christmas night in the presence of Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and the angels.
We welcome our King and Saviour.

Masses on Christmas Day
7pm & 10pm Christmas Eve
9am Rathmore
10.15am Rathcairn
11.30am Athboy

Christmas Triduum of Masses

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will be offered on 24, 25 & 26th December.
Cards are available to be signed in the sacristy after Mass or from the Parochial House.

Commemoration of All Souls – Sat 2nd Nov

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“From the very earliest days, Christianity has honoured with great respect the memory of the dead; and “because it is a holy and a wholesome thought to pray for the dead that they may be loosed from their sins” (Mac 12,46) she offers suffrages for them.
Directory on Popular Piety & the Liturgy

Feast of All Saints – Friday 1st November

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Feast of All Saints: Friday 1st November

“We celebrate our brothers and sisters who have welcomed the light of God in their hearts and have passed it on to the world, each according to his or her own hue.” Pope Francis

Holyday of Obligation Mass Times:
Vigil Mass 7.30pm Thursday,
8am, 11.30am…

Receiving Holy Communion for the First Time

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At 7.30pm on Wednesday next, 9th October, a meeting will take place in O’Growney National School, Athboy for all parents of children in Second Class who wish to celebrate the sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion for the first time.
Parents should bring with them to the meeting, the enrolment form that accompanied their…


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This weekend we welcome the girls and boys from Sixth Class in our parish schools in Athboy, Rathcairn and Rathmore as they make the Confirmation Commitment.
We join them in looking forward to Confirmation day in the parish on Friday 7th February 2020.
They commit themselves to pray each day to the Holy…