
Our Parish Prayer Tree

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Parishioners are welcome to put a prayer request on the tree during Lent in St. James’ Church, Athboy.
Tags and pens are available.
Your intentions will be prayed for at all Masses during Lent.

An Invitation to Young People

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On the Thursday evenings of Lent we invite young people from 5th & 6th Class to meet members of the NET Team at 6.45-7.30pm and students from Secondary School at 8-8.45pm.
The meetings will take place each side of 7.30pm Mass and they are an opportunity for young people to chat and learn about…


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Lent begins this week on Ash Wednesday which is a day of fasting and abstinence. Ashes, a biblical sign of penance, signify the human condition of the sinner who expresses guilt in an exterior manner and by doing so experiences interior conversion and the hope of receiving God’s mercy. The spiritual journey of Lent leads…


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Bishop Deenihan together with our Bishop Emeritus Bishop Michael Smith confirmed 72 children in our parish earlier today. We congratulate the children, their parents, godparents and teachers. We also thank everyone who helped organise Confirmation in our parish – the choir, organist, altar servers, the teachers and principals of the parish schools, Ministers of the…

Christmas Day

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The Word was made flesh, he lived among us, and we saw his glory.

Christmas Day Masses

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As we prepare to welcome Christ our Saviour, we announce times of Masses for Christmas Day in our parish.
Everyone is welcome to join us a be part of the celebration.

Christmas Raffle Winners

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Check the list … you may have won a prize in our Annual Raffle held on Sunday 16th December in conjunction with our Bingo.

Many thanks to the everybody who bought tickets, to those who sold tickets and all who sponsored prizes.

Church Maintenance

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During the week the gutters and flat roof sections of the church in Athboy were cleaned, expired emergency lights were replaced with new led fittings.
Internal lighting in Rathmore and Rathcairn churches were upgraded and the gutters in Rathmore church will be cleaned in the coming days.
The Parish Finance Committee thank you…

Christmas in our Parish

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As we prepare to welcome Christ our Saviour, we announce times of Masses and Confessions for the Holy Season of Christmas in our parish. Everyone is welcome to join us a be part of the celebration.

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

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Saturday December 8th is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.

It is a Holyday of Obligation.

Vigil Mass on Friday 7.30pm,
Mass on Saturday at 11.30am.