
Parish Finance

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Thank you for your financial support during the year, it helps us to maintain the three churches in our parish.

If you would be willing to start using a Weekly Envelope, or set up a Standing Order, please contact the Parish Office or speak to Fr Padraig.

During the year a number of parishioners signed…

Thursday 15th August, feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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 a Holyday of obligation.

The Blessed Virgin Mary’s Assumption into heaven makes clear to us that there is room for our humanity in heaven.  Mary’s Assumption assures us that what Jesus accomplished in rising from the dead and ascending into heaven was not limited to his own Person.”     Magnificat

Masses on Thursday 10am & 7.30pm.

Our Holy Land Pilgrimage

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In August (1st – 9th) last year, our parish pilgrimage to the Holy Land visited Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Nazareth, Galilee and other places associated with the life of Jesus.  We celebrated Sunday Eucharist in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, beside the Empty Tomb of Our Lord.  Our days in this beautiful land were blessed with…

Cemetery Sunday – Thank You

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Thank you to everyone who attended and assisted with offering prayers at our Cemetery Devotions in Rathmore, Hill of Ward, Old St James & the main cemetery in Athboy over the past two weekends.  Thank you for the great care and respect shown to family plots and cemetery grounds by all concerned.  Thank you to…

Parish Pastoral Assembly Survey

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The Parish Pastoral Assembly have prepared a survey inviting parishioners to have a say regarding the future direction of our parish.

The survey can be accessed here Parish Survey June 2024 and the Irish version here Suirbhé.

Copies are also available in the churches. Please complete your response in the coming week.  It…

Providing Compassionate Care at the End of Life

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To address the sensitive issue of compassionate care at the end of life, and in response to the need to inform the faithful of Catholic teaching on this important life issue that affects so many families, the Bishops…

Cemetery Devotions

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Welcome to all who visit our parish this weekend , as we pray for those interred in cemeteries in Rathmore, Hill of Ward and Athboy. Thank you to all…

‘Day for Life’

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A dedicated day celebrating the beauty and dignity of all human life, is celebrated annually with a special message by the Catholic Church across Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. It is a day specifically dedicated to raising awareness and reflecting on the deep value and meaning of human life at every stage, and in every…

Parish Pastoral Assemblies

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Bishop Deenihan and Fr Derek Darby met with priests and chairpersons from Parish Pastoral Assemblies in the Trim area recently.  Bishop Deenihan expressed his deep appreciation for the commitment and time given by members of Pastoral Assemblies to their parishes.  He outlined some of the opportunities emerging across the Diocese and invited assemblies to begin…

Cemetery Devotions

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Rathmore, Sunday 23rd June, 3pm

Hill of Ward, Saturday 29th June, 7.30pm

Athboy, Sunday 30th June 2pm Old St James’ & 3pm main cemetery

As we approach cemetery days in June, we ask families to tidy their plot.  Please do not dump unwanted wreaths, flowers, plants or waste of any kind along the cemetery walls…