
Receiving Holy Communion for the First Time

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Our prayerful best wishes to the 75 children who receive the Eucharist for the first time this weekend. Thank you to their parents, families and teachers in school for helping the girls and boys prepare for this special celebration.


Children’s Prayer after Communion

Lord Jesus, I love and adore you.

You’re a…

Pilgrimage to Lourdes

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Please pray for all who are travelling on  the parish pilgrimage to Lourdes this week.

Your intentions will be prayed for during the Masses on our pilgrimage.  We will be joining the celebration of Mass at the Grotto in Lourdes in English on Tuesday morning at 7.30am (6.30am Irish time) Mass be viewed live on…

Parish Pastoral Assembly

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Thank you to the members of our Pastoral Assembly who completed initial training in January and at their latest meeting formulated the following Mission Statement;

“We are committed to making our Parish a place where each person feels welcomed, accepted and valued. Our aim is to encourage the people of our Parish to support one…


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Thank you for your very generous response to the Lenten campaign.

Total proceeds of €8,695 have now been forwarded to Trocaire                                                                    …

Clothing Collection

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If you are spring cleaning your wardrobe and disposing of clothing, shoes or handbags, our annual clothing collection in aid of parish funds takes place on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday 10am – 1pm. Bags can be left in the shed behind Parochial House.

Happy Easter

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Wishing all our parishioners and friends a Peaceful and Blessed Easter.  May the joy of Christ rising from death fill our hearts with the reassurance of his eternal love and presence with us.

Thank you to all who attended Holy Week liturgies and confessions, and to everyone who assisted in any way with the ceremonies. …

Holy Week 2024

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Holy Week is the most important week in the year for Christians as we recall the moments of Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection.  During this week we follow in the footsteps of Jesus.  We are led through the moments of Jesus’ entry to Jerusalem, his betrayal by Judas, the Last Supper, his arrest in Gethsemane,…

The Good Friday Collection for the Holy Land

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aims to ensure that the Church there will survive, feel cherished and sustained by every Christian, and continue to bear witness of faith in Him who was born, preached the Gospel, died and rose again in that Land.  This collection will be taken at both…

Confessions for Easter

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Fr Padraig will be available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation for Easter, after Vigil Mass this weekend, after Mass on Holy Thursday evening and on Good Friday in Athboy Church 12noon – 1pm.

Parish Finance Committee

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Expressions of interest are invited for construction works to existing building at O’Growney Street, Athboy to provide office space, pastoral centre and refurbished first floor accommodation. Works shall comprise of refurbishment works to first floor apartment, remedial and alteration works to internal layouts, elevations, external envelope, and all associated services installations and site works, including…