
40 Hours Eucharistic Adoration

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in the Cathedral of Christ the King, Mullingar beginning with 7.30pm Mass on Friday 24th November and concluding with Solemn Vespers and Benediction at 4pm on Sunday 26th November.

Bishop Deenihan invites people from the parishes of the Diocese of Meath to visit the Cathedral and adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Athboy Parish has…

Feast of All Saints

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On Wednesday 1st November the church celebrates the Feast of All Saints, a holyday of obligation. “The ultimate object of veneration of the Saints is the glory of God and the sanctification of humankind by conforming one’s life fully to the divine will and by…

Feast of All Souls

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On Thursday 2nd November the church commemorates all the Faithful Departed.  Visits to the graves of loved ones and prayers for their happy repose at this time of the year, remind us that for our loved ones who have died, “life is changed, not ended.”Our prayer is that they are at peace and with God…

List of the Dead and Bereavement Mass

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A List of the Dead envelope was distributed to every home in the parish in late September, additional envelopes are available at the box beside the ambo in Athboy Church.

On All Souls Day and First Fridays during the year, Masses will be offered for the names on the Parish List of the Dead.


World Mission Sunday

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This weekend parishes worldwide celebrate World Mission Sunday. The kindness shown will help overseas missionaries to continue to share the love of God with some of the world’s most marginalised and vulnerable people. Thank you for supporting in whatever way you can, and please remember it is more than an appeal for financial help. Missionaries…

Preparing children for Holy Communion & Confirmation

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Meetings for parents of children receiving sacraments in 2024 will take place as follows:

Parents of children for Confirmation on

Tuesday 19th September at 8pm in Athboy Church

Parents of children for Holy Communion on

Wednesday 20th September at 8pm in Athboy Church.

Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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Tuesday 15th August, is a Holyday of Obligation.

The Blessed Virgin Mary’s Assumption into heaven makes clear to us that there is room for our humanity in heaven. Mary’s Assumption assures us that what Jesus accomplished in rising from the dead and ascending into heaven was not limited to his own Person.”     Magnificat

Mass on…

Mass Arrangements this weekend

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Saturday 6.15pm Vigil Mass

and Sunday 11.30am Mass in Athboy.

Sunday Mass in Rathmore at 9am and Rathcairn at 10.15am will resume next Sunday 13th August

Weekday Mass will resume next Friday 11th August.

Parish Office will reopen on Friday 11th August.

Feast of the Sacred Heart

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next Friday 16th June, our Novena continues this week.

Novena Prayer to the Sacred Heart

O Divine Jesus, who…

Cemetery Devotions

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Rathmore Cemetery Sunday 18th June 3pm

Hill of Ward Cemetery Saturday 24th June 7.30pm

Athboy Cemetery Sunday 25th June 3pm Old St James’ 2pm

A gentle reminder to remove unwanted wreaths or flowers etc and dispose of them at home.

Please avoid dumping in any of the cemeteries or behind the church in Rathmore.