
Vocations Sunday

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Today, Sunday 30th April  is World Day of Prayer for Vocations to Priesthood & Religious Life.  The offertory collection this weekend will help support our diocesan students.  Currently three men are studying to serve as priests in our diocese and a number of others have indicated that they are considering entering the seminary, please keep…

Holy Communion for the First Time

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for the children in O’Growney N.S. Athboy, on Saturday 6th May at 10am

Rathmore N.S, on Sunday 7th May at 9am

Scoil Uí Ghramhnaigh, Rathcairn, Sunday 14th May 10.15am

Easter and Holy Week

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Holy Week is the most revered week in the year for Christians as we recall the moments of Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection.  During the week we follow in the footsteps of Jesus.  We are led through the moments of Jesus’ entry to Jerusalem, his betrayal by Judas,…

Friday 17th March, St Patrick’s Day

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St Patrick was brought as a slave to Ireland during his teenage years.  He tended herds on Slemish mountain for about six years and during this time he “prayed many times a day,” with his love for God growing stronger.  In his early twenties he escaped back home, however he realised God was calling him…

Earthquake Appeal

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This weekend there is an opportunity to donate to victims of the recent earthquake in Turkey & Northern Syria.  Aid to the Church in Need, a Catholic charity which assists communities in need all over the world with material and practical help, is working in one of the worst affected areas including Aleppo, Syria.  Any…


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begins on Ash Wednesday this week.  Ash Wednesday is a day of penance in the Church and a day of abstinence and fasting.  Ashes, blessed and worn on this day are a sign of penance, traditionally a biblical one; they signify the human condition of the sinner, who seeks to express their guilt before the…


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Bishop Tom Deenihan will administer Confirmation on Friday 24th February at 12 noon in Athboy Church.

Ceremony of Light: on Tuesday 7th February at 8pm, we invite the candidates for Confirmation and their parents to a Ceremony of Light in Athboy Church.  This ceremony recalls the day of Baptism when parents received a lighted candle,…

Christian Unity Week

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takes place every year 18th – 25th January.  This year the theme is “Be-longing, Praying for Unity amidst Injustice.”

On Friday evening next, 20th January at 7.30pm, we will host a Service of Prayer in our church.  We look forward to welcoming Canon Paul Bogle and members of the Church of Ireland congregation in Athboy,…

The Epiphany of the Lord, Friday 6th January

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Holyday of Obligation. 

On this feast Jesus is revealed as Messiah of Israel, Son of God and Saviour of the World.  We celebrate the adoration of Jesus by the Wise Men (Magi) from the East who represent the pagan religions of neighbouring territories.

Mass on Friday at 10am & 7.30pm.


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Wishing all our parishioners every Blessing and Peace at Christmas.  Welcome home to all who have travelled to be with their families at this sacred time and we welcome those who have come to live in our parish during the year and who are celebrating their first Christmas with us.

Thank you to all who…