Christmas Schedule of Masses
Saturday 24th December – Christmas Eve
Vigil in Athboy Mass 6.15pm & 9pm
Sunday 25th December – Christmas Day
Rathmore 9am
Rathcairn 10.15am
Athboy 11.30am
Saturday 24th December – Christmas Eve
Vigil in Athboy Mass 6.15pm & 9pm
Sunday 25th December – Christmas Day
Rathmore 9am
Rathcairn 10.15am
Athboy 11.30am
Thursday 8th December
We celebrate Mary, who from the first instant of her existence in the womb of her mother Anne, was “by a singular grace and privilege of almighty God, and in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, Saviour of the human race, preserved free from all stain of original sin.”
Holy Day…
will be celebrated on 26, 27 & 28th December. Signed cards available from the Parochial House or sacristy after Masses.
for families of all who have died in our parish during the year, will be offered in Athboy Church on Friday 4th November 7.30pm. All are welcome to attend.
November is the month that is especially dedicated to remembering and praying for our loved ones who have departed this life and have gone before us into Eternal Life. Visits to the cemetery and to the church, the Indulgences for the Faithful Departed, compiling the List of the Dead, the Feast of all Saints on…
Next weekend a new Parish Financial Year commences. Boxes of envelopes, a List of the Dead envelope and a letter will be distributed to homes during the week. Thank you for your generous support during the year, it helps maintain the three churches in our parish.
Celebrating Penance and Holy Communion for the First Time
Do this in Memory – dates for 2022 – 2023
Enrolment Saturday & Sunday 1st/2nd October
Saturday & Sunday 12/13th November
Saturday & Sunday 10/11th December
Saturday & Sunday 14/15th January
Saturday & Sunday 25/26th February
Sacrament of Penance 7/8th March
Saturday & Sunday 22nd/23rd April
…Parents of children attending parish schools in Athboy, Rathmore & Rathcairn and whose children will celebrate the sacraments in 2023, are invited to meetings as outlined below.
For parents of children receiving Confirmation on Tuesday 20th September 8pm Athboy Church.
For parents of children receiving Penance & Holy Communion, Wednesday 21st September 8pm, Athboy Church
This week we celebrate two feast days of Our Lady……
Monday 15th August the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: a Holyday of obligation.
“The Blessed Virgin Mary’s Assumption into heaven makes clear to us that there is room for our humanity in heaven. Mary’s Assumption assures us that what Jesus accomplished in rising from…
will take place in:
Rathmore, 3pm Sunday 19th June
Hill of Ward, 7.30pm Saturday 25th June
Athboy, 3pm Sunday 26th June
Rathmore Abbey, 7.30pm, Wednesday 10th August.
A reminder to please take home withered flowers, wreaths and other waste material from your family plot.
Please refrain from dumping in the grounds or neighbouring grounds of…