Welcome to the Athboy Parish Prayer Space
Prayer is an essential and life giving part of our faith. Spontaneous prayer together with traditional prayers are important in our lives. One can be enriched by the other and our faith can be helped to grow and develop by using both.
This space is dedicated to prayers, scripture and inspirational thoughts that you may find useful.
The season of Lent starts on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Thursday before Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper. From then on until Easter Sunday, the Church celebrates the Easter Triduum of Christ’s passion and death, burial and resurrection.
Lent is characterised by three things – prayer, fasting, and almsgiving (acts of charity). These three bring us closer to God by helping us to detach from our selfishness and worldly distractions.
Lenten prayer can help us discern His will for us.
Our acts of charity can help make Christ more present in our lives as we show others His love.
Fasting from a particular food or activity can help us recognise in some small way His sacrifice for us.
The important thing is to keep God in our hearts and mind and allow God’s grace to bring about our interior conversion. Then Lent becomes a time for transformation as well as preparation.
Placing Our Trust in God
We must be careful not to practice a formal fast, or one which, in truth, “satisfies” us because it makes us feel good about ourselves. Fasting makes sense if it questions our security, and if it leads to some benefit for others, if it helps us to cultivate the style of the Good Samaritan, who bends down to his brother in need and takes care of him. Fasting involves choosing a sober lifestyle, a way of life that does not waste, a way of life that does not “throw away.” Fasting helps us to attune our hearts to the essential and to sharing. It is s sign of awareness and responsibility in the face of injustice, abuse, especially to the poor and the little ones, and it is a sign of the trust we place in God and in his Providence.
Do you want to fast this Lent?
Fast from hurting words & say kind words,
Fast from sadness & be filled with gratitude,
Fast from anger & be filled with patience,
Fast from pessimism & be filled with hope,
Fast from worries & trust in God,
Fast from complaints & contemplate simplicity,
Fast from bitterness & fill your heart with joy,
Fast from pressures & be prayerful,
Fast from bitterness & fill your heart with joy,
Fast from selfishness & be compassionate to others,
Fast from grudges & be reconciled, Fast from words & be silent so you can listen.
Loving God,
forgive those things we have done which caused you sadness,
and those things we should have done
that would have brought you joy.
In both we have failed ourselves and you.
Bring us back this Lent to that place where our journey began
when we said that we would follow the way You first walked.
Lead us to the cross and meet us there,
Jesus our Lord, our life, our light, our love. Amen
A Lenten Prayer
Loving God,
During the sacred season of Lent, bring me close to you.
Prepare a place in my home and heart for silence and solitude,
so that I may re-discover the grace of a prayerful life.
Help me to fast from those things that threaten the wellbeing of my body
and soul and remind me of the grace of simplicity.
Enlarge my heart so that I give to those in need and
in doing so rediscover the grace of gratitude and generosity.
May this season be grace-filled time to rekindle my love and faith in you.
Lenten Prayer at the beginning of Lent
God of goodness and mercy,
Hear my prayer as I begin this Lenten journey with you.
Let me be honest with myself as I look into my heart and soul,
noticing the times I turn away from you.
Guide me as I humbly seek to repent and return to your love.
May humility guide my efforts to be reconciled with you
and live forever in your abundant grace.
Transform me this Lent, Heavenly Father.
Give me the strength to commit myself
to grow closer to you each day.
Lenten Prayer for Transformation
Loving Father,
I invite you into my life today and make myself available to you.
Help me to become the best version of myself
by seeking your will and becoming a living example of your love in the world.
Open my heart to the areas of my life that need to change
in order for me to carry out the mission
and experience the joy you have imagined for my life.
Inspire me to live the Catholic faith
in ways that are dynamic and engaging.
Show me how to best get involved in the life of my parish.
Make our community hungry for the best practices
and continuous learning.
Give me courage when I am afraid,
hope when I am discouraged,
and clarity in times of decision.
Heavenly Father,
As I enter another week of my Lenten journey, guide me to the path that leads to you.
Fill my heart with gratitude, patience, strength, and peace.
As I renew my resolve each day to become a better person,
let me hear your voice in the deepest reaches of my heart.
Give me rest in you.
Help me to accept others, showing them your great love instead of casting judgement.
Stay with me through the busy days this week.
Remind me that when I need comfort, solitude, wisdom, or guidance I can turn to You.
Help me develop discipline and generosity through fasting and almsgiving,
and come closer to You through prayer this Lent. Amen.