In his public audience on Spy Wednesday, Pope Francis noted how many people today who walk down the street appear sad, focused “only on their cell phones, but without peace, without hope.”
He urged people to eliminate “useless things that are substitutes for hope” during Holy Week to focus on the true source of hope found in Christ. Pope Francis also highlighted how Jesus did not cover up or hide his wounds when he was nailed to the cross.
“Brothers and sisters, we too are wounded — who isn’t in life? And many times, with hidden wounds that we hide out of shame. Who does not bear the scars of past choices, of misunderstandings, of sorrows that remain inside and are difficult to overcome? But also of wrongs suffered, sharp words, unmerciful judgments?”
“God does not hide his wounds, that pierced his body and soul, from our eyes. He shows them so we can see that a new passage can be opened with Easter: to make of our own wounds, holes of light. By offering forgiveness and love from the cross, Jesus “converts evil into good” and “sorrow into love,” he said. Catholic News Agency