Glorious Martyr, Oliver, who willingly
gave your life for your faith,
help us also to be strong in faith.
May we be loyal like you
to the See of Peter.
By your intercession and example
may all hatred and bitterness
be banished from the hearts
of Irish men and women.
May the peace of Christ reign
in our hearts,
as it did in your heart,
even at the moment of your death.
Pray for us and for Ireland. Amen.
St Oliver Plunkett was born at Loughcrew, Oldcastle in 1625, he studied for the priesthood and was ordained in 1654, later he was appointed as Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of Ireland in 1669. Oliver Plunkett was executed in Tyburn, England on 1 July 1681,where he was hanged, drawn, and quartered for treason and “promoting the Roman faith.” Today he is recognised as a patron of peace and reconciliation.