The Season of Creation 2023 runs from September 1st to October 4th (Feast of St. Francis of Assisi).
“Pope Francis in his message for the Season of Creation, in accord with the theme, ‘Let Justice and Peace Flow’, calls us to live in harmony with creation. He says that just as the heartbeat of babies in the womb are in harmony with that of their mothers so we can sense the maternal heartbeat of the earth. In calling us to renew our relationship with the earth, Pope Francis states that it involves our relationships with God, with each other, with creation and with ourselves. We are interconnected with all of life.” Bishop Martin Hayes
“The climate crisis is a deeply spiritual crisis…Our faith offers us a wonderful vision to rekindle these relationships, to renew a childlike sense of awe, wonder and beauty and thus set out in living the first commandment God gave to us, to be guardians and protectors of this beautiful world, not its polluters and destroyers.” – Archbishop Dermot Farrell,
Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor, (Pastoral Letter).
“During this Season of Creation we are called to care for the land, to “till it and to keep it” (Gen 2:15). In Laudato Si’, Pope Francis invites us to move away from the idea that we have complete dominion over the earth. He says, “we must forcefully reject the notion that our being created in God’s image and given dominion over the earth justifies absolute domination over other creatures” (LS, 67). He invites us into a relationship of mutual responsibility with the earth where we take what is necessary for our sustenance but that we also care and protect the land for future generations.” Sally Simpson