All Notices for Confirmation


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Bishop Deenihan will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation in Athboy Church with 58 girls and boys of 6th classes in Athboy, Rathcairn & Rathmore schools on Friday next at…


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Bishop Deenihan will administer the sacrament on Thursday 8th February at 3pm in Athboy Church.

Ceremony of Light for the Confirmation candidates and their parents on Wednesday 31st January at 7.30pm.


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Bishop Tom Deenihan will administer Confirmation on Friday 24th February at 12 noon in Athboy Church.

Ceremony of Light: on Tuesday 7th February at 8pm, we invite the candidates for Confirmation and their parents to a Ceremony of Light in Athboy Church.  This ceremony recalls the day of Baptism when parents received a lighted candle,…

Sacrament of Confirmation

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Bishop Deenihan will administer Confirmation to 80 girls & boys from the three schools of our parish on  Friday February 11th  at 3pm in Athboy Church.

Attendance at the ceremony is restricted to parents and sponsor of the candidates being confirmed.

On Wednesday 9th February  at 7.30pm, a Ceremony of Light and short meeting will…


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Bishop Deenihan has notified us that he will administer the Sacrament of Confirmation in Athboy parish on Sunday 29th August.  The ceremonies which do not include Mass, will take place in Athboy Church at:

      2pm for the pupils of O’Growney NS, Athboy…


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This weekend we welcome the girls and boys from Sixth Class in our parish schools in Athboy, Rathcairn and Rathmore as they make the Confirmation Commitment.
We join them in looking forward to Confirmation day in the parish on Friday 7th February 2020.
They commit themselves to pray each day to the Holy…


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Bishop Deenihan together with our Bishop Emeritus Bishop Michael Smith confirmed 72 children in our parish earlier today. We congratulate the children, their parents, godparents and teachers. We also thank everyone who helped organise Confirmation in our parish – the choir, organist, altar servers, the teachers and principals of the parish schools, Ministers of the…