
”I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”

Through Baptism,we become members of God’s family.

To arrange a Baptism, contact the Parish Office  on Thursday or Friday, 9am-1pm & 2pm-4pm.

Ceremonies usually take place once a month or according to demand, with no more than three families at a time.

Forty-four children were baptised in our parish in 2024.


  • Date and time of baptism must be confirmed with the Parish Office.
  • Please complete the  Baptism Request Form and return it in person to the Parish Office.
  • If you live outside of Athboy Parish a “Letter of Recommendation” from the clergy of your parish of residence is required.
  • Both godparents must have attained 16 years of age and at least one godparent should be a practicing confirmed Catholic.
  • The child may have honorary Godparents, however, there is space for one godmother and one godfather in our Baptismal records.



  • Please arrive 5-10 minutes before your scheduled baptism.
  • Bring a Baptism Candle and a White Garment.
  • There is no fee for Baptisms, however, it is customary to give an offering to the priest on the day.


Please leave in your completed form at least three (3) days before Baptism

 Parish Office hours: Thursday & Friday 9am to 4pm (lunch 1-2pm)

Tel: 046 9432184            Email: